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Using multi-tenancy via multiple private states

Use multi-tenancy via multiple private states (MPS) to allow multiple tenants to use the same GoQuorum node, with each tenant having its own private state(s).

Configure multi-tenancy via multiple private states


  • Tessera version 21.4.0 or later installed
  • GoQuorum version 21.4.2 or later installed

If running an earlier GoQuorum or Tessera version, upgrade your existing nodes to enable MPS and multi-tenancy using the migration guide.


  1. Set isMPS to true in the config item of the GoQuorum genesis file.

    MPS configuration
    "config": {
    "isMPS": true

    There can be a mix of MPS-enabled and non-MPS-enabled nodes in a network.

  2. Configure the JSON-RPC security plugin. This requires configuring an authorization server. View examples of configuring the plugin to work with different OAuth2 authorization servers.

  3. Set enableMultiplePrivateStates to true in the Tessera configuration file. The default is false.


    GoQuorum can't start if isMPS is true in the GoQuorum configuration and enableMultiplePrivateStates is false in the Tessera configuration.

    GoQuorum runs as a non-MPS-enabled node if isMPS is false and enableMultiplePrivateStates is true.

  4. Configure residentGroups in the Tessera configuration file.

  5. Run GoQuorum with the --multitenancy command line option.

    geth [OPTIONS] --multitenancy --plugins file:///<path>/<to>/plugins.json

    In the command, plugins.json is the plugin settings file that contains the JSON-RPC Security plugin definition.

    For example, if you use quorum-security-plugin-enterprise, plugins.json looks like the following:

    "providers": {
    "security": {
    "name": "quorum-security-plugin-enterprise",
    "version": "0.1.1",
    "config": "/path/to/config.json"

Configure custom scopes

A network operator must configure scope values for each user in an authorization server, for each tenant.


This example network contains four nodes. Multi-tenant Node1 is shared between tenant J and G (isMPS=true) and single-tenant Node2 is used by tenant D alone (isMPS=false).


A node consists of a GoQuorum client and Tessera private transaction manager. We name privacy manager key pairs for easy referencing, for example: J_K1 or G_K1. In reality, their values are the pubic keys used in the privateFor and privateFrom fields.

Tenants are assigned to multi-tenant nodes as follows:

  • J Organization owns J_K1 and J_K2, and its tenancy is on Node1.
  • G Organization owns G_K1 and G_K2, and its tenancy is on Node1.
  • D Organization owns D_K1, and its tenancy is on Node2.

In practice, J Organization and G Organization may decide to allocate keys to their departments, therefore the security model may be as follows:

  • J Organization:
    • J Investment has access to J tenancy using any self-managed Ethereum accounts.
    • J Settlement has access to J tenancy using node-managed Ethereum account J_ACC1 and a self-managed Wallet1.
  • G Organization:
    • G Investment has access to G tenancy using any self-managed Ethereum accounts.
    • G Settlement has access to G tenancy using node-managed Ethereum account G_ACC1 and self-managed Wallet2.

Each authorization server has its own configuration steps and client onboarding process. A network operator's responsibility is to implement this security model in the authorization server by defining custom scopes and granting them to target clients.

A custom scope representing J Investment is:


A custom scope representing G Settlement is:


Clients must also be granted scopes which specify access to the JSON-RPC APIs:


Refer to the JSON-RPC security plugin documentation for more information.

Add a new tenant to multi-tenant node

Use the following steps to add a new tenant to a multi-tenant node:

  1. The network administrator executes Tessera keygen to generate a new key.

  2. Update the Tessera configuration file to include the new key in a resident group.

  3. Restart Tessera to load the new key. Startup fails if the new key is generated but not added to a resident group.

  4. Make updates to the authorization server to provide the new tenant access to the private state defined in the resident groups configuration.

API methods

Use the eth_getMPS JSON-RPC API method to get the private state the user is operating on.